What Would Happen If You Could Show More Of Your True Self To Your Lover? authenticity intimacy relationships Apr 06, 2022

What would happen if you could show more of your true self to your lover?

We all have different wounds that prevent this deep connection that we are truly longing for.

It takes a LOT of courage to show up completely authentically. Because this fear of rejection and abandonment is real.

What if we...

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Being a Sex Coach? What Does That Mean? coaching intimacy relationships Apr 04, 2022

What do I do?

So you are sex coach? Is that even a thing?

You mean, you tell people how to have intimacy?!

No thank you, I don’t have any issues.

Who needs that, really?

Yes, I coach people on the topics of relationships, intimacy and pleasure. 

Not on how to navigate a threesome, what...

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What Do Women Deep Down Really Desire From a Partner? intimacy relationships women Mar 31, 2022

Something happened during a powerful conversation with some girlfriends last week.

We were talking about what we deep down really desire from a partner.

So this is interesting… 

It turns out…

One of the biggest cravings for women is the question:
Can you handle all of me?

If I am...

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