When Someone Takes Action To Thrive In Intimacy, Their Business Thrives With Them

highperformance potential sexuality Jun 14, 2022

Over and over again I see that when someone takes action to thrive in intimacy and relationships, their business thrives with them. That’s because we are working with the energy of creation: our sexual energy. 

It’s the energy that rules our world. It rules many things that we do subconsciously. 

This might not seem like the most ‘appropriate’ platform to talk about what happens in the bedroom. But most people don’t realize how much what happens in the bedroom ripples through to everything you do. 

Sexual energy is pure creative energy. 

When I started to explore Tantra I finally understood the full potential of this. In Tantra you learn how to go beyond the surface level ideas that we have about what happens in the bedroom and how you can access your true potential. 

When I learned more about this, everything in my life started to change, not only what happens in the bedroom. It was like I was able to access parts of myself that I have not been able to access before. 

Which makes sense because Tantra can be used to activate dormant parts of our brain. This is something that excites me a lot since I have a neuroscience background, but more on that in another post. 

I want you to know that living with a sense of inner freedom, confidence and power can be something that comes natural to you. I find that learning about Tantra is revolutionary for anyone who is serious about making an impact in the world and being successful in their business and life. 

There is no limit to what we can experience as human beings in this area of life. And this will not only translate as having life changing experiences in the bedroom but it will spread over to every single area of your life. 

Let me now if you are curious to learn more about how to harness the power of your sexual energy and use it to activate your confidence and your creative genius.


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