Tips And Tricks For What Happens In Sex Will Not Get You Very Far

confidence sexuality tantra Jul 03, 2022

Tips and tricks for what happens in the bedroom will not get you very far. It’s not my focus when I work with people and it’s not very interesting to me honestly. Why? These are things you can google. It stays on the surface level. 

And sure, it’s important to some degree but this on itself can keep you really stuck in your head and won’t allow you to truly experience the deeper intimacy and expanded states you really want to access it. Plus, it doesn’t help much with any blocks or challenges that can get in the way. 

You have to go a level deeper. This is where Tantra comes in. This is what will truly make a difference. It’s all about embodiment, how you feel in your own body, how you carry yourself and how you can free yourself from whatever is getting in the way fo your fullest potential. 

Tantra helps to release whatever has gotten in the way for you to feel deeply fulfilled intimacy. Whether that is self doubt, getting caught up in your head, losing the spark in your relationship or the after affects of living in a society where sexuality is judged, shamed and misunderstood. 

When you know how to release those layers, you will recovering a core power that you’ve always had. It’s always been within you but it often gets lost by programming and conditioning from our society.

This core power is all about trusting and following our own impulses, being deeply connected with your body, not being trapped in your mind and knowing how be present naturally. Its about activating the wisdom of the body so you can go beyond your upper limits and know how to truly navigate this energy and open another person to do the same. 

When I see people truly embody a feeling of confidence, comfort and freedom within themselves, this is felt. 

And when people are caught up in their head, when there is inner judgement, shame, pressure to perform, insecurities.. this is felt too. 

It doesn't matter as much exactly what you DO in the bedroom. It matters how you ARE. And from this empowered place you can learn about Tantric practices that will bring your experience to a new level. 

And this is what truly makes a good lover.


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