The Stories About What Sex '‘Should’ Look Like Are Messing With You.

intimacy presence sexuality Jun 23, 2022

The stories about what happens in the bedroom and what it ‘should’ look like are messing with your pleasure. There are so many harmful and limiting beliefs out there on this topic. 

What does this look like? I will give you some examples. 

Being goal-oriented is a big one. Are you clouded by the urgency to climax? Either for yourself or your partner? In what ways are you chasing something instead of the enjoyment and connection you already have?

This reflects in daily life as well. Let me ask you the question: In what ways are you ‘chasing life’? 
Do you have a tendency to just look for peak experiences and miss out on your life entirely? Are you always caught up in getting somewhere that you completely forget about what is available for you right now in the moment? How much do you savor the everyday moments? 

It is so interesting how what happens in the bedroom is a microcosm of our daily life. Over and over again I see in people, how you show up in intimacy = how you show up in life. This is because you are working with the core energy within you. It’s the energy that you are created from. Yet, nobody really knows how to truly navigate this powerful energy within them to experience their fullest potential. It’s not surprising because nobody ever taught us.

Some questions that are interesting to ask yourself on this theme are: 

How much are you affected by expectations?
How much attachment do you have on what will happen next?
What is your idea of failure and how do you avoid this by sabotaging yourself? 
Do you put pressure on yourself to be a certain way instead of fully trusting yourself and your body? 
How often do you get caught up in your head and disconnect from the instinctual wisdom of your body? 
To what degree are you ruled by external validation and needing to do it right instead of trusting yourself?

If you learn to let go of this many other opportunities and possibilities will open up in the bedroom and in all areas of your life.
What do you think?


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