The Interesting Connection Between Tantra, Neuroscience & Sexuality

neuroscience potential tantra Jun 15, 2022

Did you know that working with Tantra and sexuality can be used to activate dormant parts of your brain? When I learned how to do this, everything in my life started to change. 

Let’s get into the neuroscience of this, which is extremely interesting. 

This is how it works, when you learn how to expand what you are able to experience in the bedroom, you start opening up the body to new possibilities. 

By opening your body to feel more pleasure you are opening new energy channels I the body, which means you are directly affecting the nervous system and activating your spine which is at the core of your nervous system. 

Also, there are a lot of benefits to expanding where you feel the most pleasure. Which is usually mainly focused in the genitals. What if you could extend this feeling to your entire body? This again is a method that we can use to activate dormant parts of our brain and our being. 

Another interesting fact is that pleasure encourages neuroplasticity. This term refers to the brain's ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function throughout life and in response to experience. Basically, it makes our brain and consciousness more malleable. This is a quality we can use to our advantage to shift certain habits, belief systems and behaviors. 

Our pleasure can be a fuel that repairs our cells, rewires our brain and activate dormant parts of our brain. This all happens when you work with your pleasure intentionally and with awareness. 

If you did not know this about me, I studied a lot of neuroscience and have a background with a Masters degree in Psychology. When I started to explore the world of Tantra and combine it with neuroscience, everything in my life started changing for the better. It was like I was able to access parts of myself that I have not been able to access before. 

Learning about Tantra is a very powerful and fun way to learn how to do this for yourself and experience how you can use your sexuality for your own empowerment. 

I have only one more spot available to work with me at this time. If this topic speaks to you, reach out to me and I’d be happy to chat.


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