The Confusion The 'Me Too' Movement Created For Men

empowerment fear shame Aug 04, 2022

Times are confusing. The ‘Me Too’ movement has scared you to be labeled as a perpetrator. And yet, at the same time you are expected to be assertive and take the lead. It’s conflicting. Does this sound familiar? 

Its something I hear all the time from my clients. 

We have to come to the realization that our world is very distorted when it comes to intimacy. Just think about the limited education that we receive, the influence of porn and the fact that nobody really talks about this topic. 

We get bombarded by the news with stories of violence and rape. And then there’s billboards and media everything that portrays what happens in the bedroom in a very performance based and superficial way. 

So what is the solution for this? 

Besides a strong need for our society to learn about consent and boundaries, there is an important piece that is extremely empowering for men.  

You have to learn how to reclaim this energy as something that is sacred. When you move beyond all the distortions and fear you can see that it’s a powerful force in your body that can literally create life. This is how magical it is. 

This requires a deep reprogramming. You have to unlearn all the things you have been told by society, from schools, religion, parents and the media, just to name a few. 

This reprogramming happens deep in the subconscious mind. Simply talking about it doesn’t; get us very far. 

Over the years I came to a surprising realization that my background in neuroscience combines very well with my deep studies of Tantra. 

By combining the ancient Tantra and the modern science we have a direct gateway to access the subconscious mind. 

By working with the body, breath, sound and movement we can learn how to discharge the things that are no longer serving us. Shame, judgment and fear for example. Tantra helps us to open up to these deeper, subconscious layers that regular therapy cannot access. 

This activates a whole new sense of inner liberation as well as a new comfort around our own desires and more ease navigating ourselves as being in the world who desires intimacy. 

The desire for intimacy is natural. It’s how we are wired a human beings. When you learn how to make peace with this and know how to navigate it in empowered way, everything starts to change. 

This is how we can navigate the conflicting world of intimacy from an inner place of integration and truth. 

If this sounds familiar and you have a desire for your own integration and truth, I am here.

I would love to hear your thoughts.


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