How Sexuality Becomes Distorted

porn sexuality tantra Jul 24, 2022

It’s important to realize that there is such heavy social conditioning around what happens in the bedroom. 

What is this conditioning all about? 

Conditioning is any belief a system that is running inside of you that is not in alignment with who you truly are, that is not authentic to you.

Very often we don’t even realize the degree to which we are affected by these layers of conditioning. 

For me, that on itself was the biggest and most difficult thing to realize. 

And there is so much power in releasing those layers. It’s like you are recovering a core power that you’ve always had. It’s always been within you but it often gets lost by layers of society.

Which is all about trusting and following our own impulses,
being deeply connected with our bodies, not being in our minds, learning to be present. 

Most of us learn from porn, which creates a WHOLE lot of expectations and distortions. As well as beliefs of how men should be acting, not even to mention all of the anxiety and the pressure to perform. 

You have to realize that this is a distortion of reality. Intimacy does not have to go along with a certain script.

What is the antidote to this? It’s Tantra. Tantra is a new way of approaching intimacy that will help you trust your own body again. It will help you to get out of your head and experience new levels of presence and confidence. 

This works by first of all releasing that has gotten in the way. The belief systems, expectations and judgements that can become deeply engrained in the brain and body. When you have tools and practices to release this from the deep, unconscious mind, a whole world of freedom and liberation opens up. 

Do you find that porn has impacted you in a negative way? And does this intrigue you to learn more about Tantra? I am curious to hear from you.


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