How Fulfilling Intimacy Can Fuel Your Career

highperformance potential self development Jul 16, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, many high-achieving individuals find themselves struggling to make time for intimacy in their busy lives. “Life has gotten too busy to make time for intimacy”. This is something I hear from people all the time. 

With responsibilities such as work, children, and stress, it's easy for intimacy to take a backseat. 

 However, what if intimacy could actually be a fuel for your work, creativity, and success? 


This is a concept that is often overlooked but holds great potential for personal and professional growth.


Intimacy, relationships, and sexuality are not separate from other areas of life; they are intertwined and can have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, including our careers. 


When our intimate lives thrive, it will ripple through all other areas of life, from how we wake up in the morning to how we show up at work. The level of presence, clarity, confidence, and creativity we can access is greatly influenced by the state of our intimate lives.


One reason for this powerful connection is that intimacy and sexuality are linked to our life force energy. 


It is important to realize. 


This energy is so potent that it can create life itself. 


When our life force energy is blocked or not fully thriving, it affects your entire being, not just what happens in the bedroom. 


It impacts how you show up in meetings, in day-to-day relationships, and how others perceive you. It also affects your thoughts, beliefs, and overall well-being.


When we are fully aligned and present in our intimate relationships, we can tap into our full potential, including our genius at work. It's not just about the act of intimacy; it's about the deeper fulfillment and higher potential that comes with it. 


Successful leaders understand this connection and do not exclude this part of their lives. They see intimacy as an access way to fully activate their genius and make a more purpose-driven impact in the world.


Unfortunately, many people lack valuable education about intimacy and sexuality. They may feel stuck or run the same patterns repeatedly, and this can have a negative impact on their overall fulfillment and success. 


However, with the right tools and practices, it's possible to access  fulfilling intimacy that allows for thriving in all areas of life. 


Again and again I see that investing time and effort into cultivating fulfilling intimacy will pay back in numerous ways, from enhanced creativity, productivity, and leadership skills to improved relationships and overall well-being.


The world needs integrated, aligned, and powerful leaders more than ever.


After being in this work for 12 years now, I have seen that so often this the missing ingredient to deeper fulfillment and the most purpose driven impact. 


This is an access way to fully access your full genius.

It's time to recognize the powerful connection between intimacy and success and make it a priority in our lives. 


It’s very common to be a very ambitious person and one day waking up realizing that your love & relationships are not thriving as much as your career does. 

So often I hear people say: 

“I am not living my potential in love and have no idea where to start to make this happen.” 

“ I feel that the passion in my marriage has faded.” 

“I get caught up in my head and simply don’t feel as confident as I can be.”

“I feel confident in the boardroom but when it comes to the bedroom it is a completely different story.” 

Everyone comes to the point in their lives where something is not working when it comes to love and intimacy. 
It’s just something that is not talked about very often. 

And we have to realize that is an area of our lives that we never get taught about in schools and universities. 

I am here to share with you the education you wish you had in school. Because when your relationships and intimate lives are thriving, you can show up even more powerful as a leader. 

But the reality is that for most people it’s very easy to have their biggest focus to be on career and work and have love and intimacy take the backseat. 

But very often success does not equal fulfillment, which is a perfectly fine thing to realize.

I see it as a catalyst into something bigger. 

We have to realize that there is unlimited potential when it comes to intimacy and pleasure. 

It’s just that nobody talks about it or even knows how to get there.

The desire to feel as confident in the bedroom as you do in the bedroom can be a powerful catalyst to step into your next level as a lover and a leader.

Napoleon Hill said it well: 

“It may be controversial contention, but sexual energy is the creative energy of virtually all geniuses. There never has been and never will be a great leader, builder, or artist lacking in this driving force of sex.” 

Besides cultivating deeper feeling of confidence and fulfillment there are countless benefits that ripple through your day to day life when learning about this topic. 

If this makes you curious, feel free to reach out to me to hear more about how this works.



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