Have You Done Lots Of Self Development And Still Feel Like There Is More?

highperformance potential self development May 27, 2022

Have you done lots of self development work and still feel that there is so much MORE to be experienced? I hear this all the time. I’ll share with you the missing puzzle piece that can come as a big surprise: 

What I am talking about is working with the most powerful energy we have access to. It’s pure life force energy, the energy that can literally create life, that is how powerful it is: our sexuality. It rules our world and is everywhere, yet it is not talked about much in ways that actually touch the depth of what is possible. 

This topic has been commercialized and covered by shame, judgment and guilt. Most of us have barely gotten any education around it, and if was probably not very inspiring. Instead, we learn from superficial sources like movies, magazines and porn. 

So what is the connection here with self development? 

I have found working with this topic has been by far the most impactful, transformative thing I have ever done for myself after being a complete self development junkie for years. It’s the best ‘self development tool’ out there. 

It is at the core of who you are, and when you learn how to master this, it can radically improve your life in every single area. Not only in your romantic relationships but also in business, creativity and your daily level of presence and clarity.
Very often the things that carry the most power are suppressed and controlled the most. Our sexuality carries a lot of potential but we have never been taught how to TRULY navigate the power of it. 

Most of the potential power gets lost by layers of conditioning by society and you are missing out on a lot of potential within yourself. 

So how do we get it back? It’s not about learning cool moves, tips and tricks, these are the things you can learn from google. What happens if you are already not owning your authentic expression in the bedroom and you just put a tool or a technique on top of it? You just make the problem worse. 

You can have some good moves that you know about but thats very different then uncovering the true, authentic power and expression of this part of your being. However, when you learn to release all the programming and conditioning on this topic, you recover a core power, a core strength within you.

If you would like to know more about how Tantra can help you with this, feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to share more.


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