Do You Expect Intimacy To Work Without Paying Attention To It?

intimacy relationships sexuality Jul 06, 2022

Do you go to the gym to stay fit? Are you conscious of what you eat to stay healthy? Do you hire business coaches to excel in your career? Yet on the topic of intimacy you expect it to work perfectly? 

I talk to people every day in marriages who have lost the spark and the passion. Or people who are not in a long term relationship, but have this strong feeling that there must be ‘more’.

Here’s a truth bomb: you can’t expect incredible, mind blowing intimacy to ‘just happen’. 

Sure yes, sometimes that is the case. But for most people this is not the norm. Especially when they are in a long term relationship, where there are many dynamics and distractions that can get in the way. 

We grow up in a world where the education around this is extremely minimal and distorted. Usually its fear inducing and instead we are being told that what happens in the bedroom is dirty, wrong or it’s simply not talked about. For some of us this happens in direct ways, for others more subtle. Either way, it has a big impact. 

When you TRULY want to experience everything that you are capable of in intimacy… this doesn’t just happen by itself. 

Nobody teaches us how to navigate stress and intimacy, how female desire truly works, how to release unspoken resentments, how to deepen the connection in long term partnership instead of drifting apart, how to keep the spark alive when you know each other very well, and the list goes on. 

You have to release the layers that are holding you back, become empowered to understand what holds your partner back, change the dynamics, learn how to truly open someone and activate your body to be able to hold more energy. These things don’t just come naturally to you. 

Let me ask you: Why settle on something that has unlimited potential? Why settle on something that is at the core of who you are? When I see people thrive in intimacy, it ripples through all areas of their life. This is because it’s the energy that creates life. 

I don’t want you to look back at your life thinking that you have not FULLY lived. 

This area of your life deserves attention.

Know that you are not alone if you relate to this. Feel free to reach out to me and ask to receive resources on how to start thriving in this area of your life. 

I’d love to hear what reading this brings up in you.


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