About 12 Years Ago I Knew 2 Things: Something Painful and Something Empowering

about me intimacy potential tantra May 04, 2022

About 12 years ago I knew 2 things: A painful one, that I am totally disconnected from feeling pleasure.

But I also knew that I would do anything to feel connected to my body and experience this deep intimacy that my friends were talking about.

Sometimes I would think that there was something wrong with me.

It’s hard to imagine now, and sometimes people are surprised that I used to be like this but I used to feel so much shame and was constantly judging myself and others.

Maybe feeling pleasure was just possible for some people and I was not one of the lucky ones. Perhaps this is just how I was wired?

But my deeper intuition said that there was nothing wrong with me.

And that’s the truth. 

Everyone has the capacity to experience mind blowing, magical, life changing pleasure and share this with others.

Turns out that this state of being is our natural state. It is just a matter of releasing all the things that covered this up.

This hope led me to a wild life: instead of pursuing a career in Psychology after finishing my Masters degree I decided to go live in the jungle of Asia studying Tantra.

I always have liked taking some risks. And I am so happy I did.

What I realized during my journey is that our ability for us to create is so connected with our connection to ourself and our sexual energy, these can add so much power.

I know now that if I would have just focused on my career that I would feel incredibly stuck and unhappy. Because when we are so disconnected from our own inner aliveness there is a huge block.

And to be honest.. as we grow up nobody really teaches us this. Our sexuality is shoved under the carpet and not talked about.

Even if we get some education. It’s very basic. Nobody teaches us how to channel, move and utilize this energy in every area of your life and the huge potential that is there.

On my journey I found that when I fully understood my power and my own energy everything in life became easy and successful.

So what I want to tell you in this sharing.. If you feel ‘stuck’ in your life the missing key could be that you are not connected to your life force energy.

There is so much potential there to uncover. Because the truth is.. most of us are so limited in what we know about how to use and access our own sexual energy.

And this is actually very exciting. We can use our sexual energy for WAY more then a quick release. It’s a huge untapped source of potential. 

I’m curious to hear in which ways you can relate.


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